Fall 2010 Speaker Series

Professor Gabriella Venturini - Professor of International Law
September 7, 2010 - 12pm - Room 1001 - Kalmanovitz Appellate Moot Courtroom - Davis, CA
A renowned international law scholar from the University of Milan, Professor Venturini has worked as a consultant for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was part of the Italian delegation for the establishment of the International Criminal Court. She is member of the Space Law committee of ILA.
During the last decades, international criminal justice has been dramatically developing, and a number of courts and tribunals have been established aimed at prosecuting persons responsible for the most serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, committed either in international armed conflicts or in situations of internal strife.
In the 1990s, the international community made a significant effort to build up purely international institutions, even in situations connected to a single country, such as the former Yugoslavia or Rwanda. During the last decade, in similar cases – such as those of Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Lebanon, East Timor, Kosovo – the international community has increasingly turned to mixed tribunals, which gather resources from both the international community and the state where the alleged crimes have occurred.
Professor Venturini’s presentation focused on these two different vehicles of international criminal justice. While international prosecutions and mixed tribunals share much in common, they also differ in important ways, from subject-matter jurisdiction to applicable law and procedure.
Professor Venturini also explored the general merits and pitfalls of international criminal justice, and more specifically, the relative advantages and disadvantages of international prosecutions and mixed tribunals.
This event was co-sponsored by the California International Law Center at King Hall (CILC)