U.S. National Security and the International Criminal Court: Should the Obama Administration Consider Reengagement? Kurt R. Willems
A Missing Part in International Investment Law: The Effectiveness of Investment Protection of Taiwan's BITs vis-à-vis ASEAN States Han-Wei Liu
Listening to Indigenous Voices: What the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Means for U.S. Tribes Aliza Gail Organick
Extraordinary Times Demand Extraordinary Measures: A Proposal to Establish an International Court for the Prosecution of Global Terrorists Joseph Anzalone
The Twilight Zone of Privacy for Passengers on International Flights Between the EU & USA Alenka Kuhelj
An Analysis of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in Vietnam and a Comprehensive Approach to Combating the Problem Charles Tuckers, Kari Kammel, Heather Lehman, & Elisabeth Ward