'Not Starting in Sixth Gear': An Assessment of the U.N. Global Compact's Use of Soft Law as a Global Governance Structure for Corporate Social Responsibility Roya Ghafele & Angus Mercer
Ending Finders, Keepers: The Use of Title Insurance to Alleviate Uncertainty in Land Holdings in India Priya S. Gupta
Two Birds with One Stone: How the Use of the Class Action Device for Victim Participation in the International Criminal Court Can Improve Both the Fight Against Impunity and Victim Participation Christodoulos Kaoutzanis
Pirate Trials: An Examination of the United States' Non-Refoulement Duties Pursuant to the United Nations Convention Against Torture Scott A. Vignos
The Temporal Scope of Command Responsibility Revisited: Why Commanders Have a Duty to Prevent Crimes Committed After the Cessation of Effective Control Joakim Dungel & Shannon Ghadiri
Justice Without Judges: The Case Filing Division in the People's Republic of China Nanping Liu with Michelle Liu
Control and Verification of Multilateral Treaties on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Gabriella Venturini
Of Pinpricks and Cannon Shots: UN Arms Embargoes and Peacekeeping as Coercive Disarmament Measures James D. Fry
Falling Between the Cracks: The Special Tribunal for Lebanon's Jurisdictional Gaps as Obstacles to Achieving Justice and Public Legitimacy Nidal Nabil Jurdi