Are Autonomous Weapon Systems the Subject of Article 36 of Additional Protocol I To The Geneva Conventions? Thompson Chengeta
The Resource State: Deconstructing the Causality of Poverty, Bad Governance, and Natural Resource Rights Tiernan Mennen
Building A Wall Against Private Actions for Overseas Injuries: The Impact of RJR Nabisco v. European Community Franklin A. Gevurtz
“Unless Someone Hears Us” - Applying International Criminal Law’s Rome Statute as a New Approach to Addressing the Human Rights Abuses Against Serbian Roma Matthew A. Kearney
Intentional Destruction and Spoliation of Cultural Heritage Under International Criminal Law Derek Fincham
International Human Rights Treaties and the Chilean Dictatorship: Legal Applications and Judicial Receptions After the Fall of the Pinochet Military Regime Naomi Glassman
The Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Adolescents: The Implementation and Expansion of the Reproductive Rights of Adolescents Through the Convention on the Rights of the Child Amanda Misasi